National Give Something Away Day
Has the clutter in your bedroom, dorm, or car left you feeling a bit anxious lately? Well, have no fear because National Give Something Away Day is here! Yes, you read that right - Well, the word on the street is… giving something away can actually decrease your anxiety by 3x. And when is the best time to do this (besides days that end with “Y”)? July 15th, on National Give Something Away Day.
Now, I know what you might be thinking - how can giving something away possibly help with my anxiety? But trust me, there is some science behind it. When we give something away, whether it's a physical object or our time and attention, it releases feel-good chemicals in our brain like dopamine and oxytocin. These chemicals can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and make us feel happier overall. And because you’re being charitable in the process, the dopamine release is anchored in constructive effort.
National Give Something Away Day was coined on July 15, 2015, by Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher, a self-proclaimed giver. On its well-known Facebook page, Linda advocates giving back to the planet. She claims that everyone who cares should participate. The day supports promoting kindness in giving to friends, family, and those who are less fortunate. It also aligns with being eco-conscious when it comes to consumption!
So, not only will you be doing a good deed by giving something away, but you'll also be improving your own mental health in the process. And let's face it, who doesn't love a win-win situation?
If you're living with ADHD, now's the perfect time to tidy up your space and donate what you no longer need. Not only will it help you feel more organized, but you'll also be giving back to your community in a meaningful way.
Here's how to get started:
1. Put on some music and set a 15-minute timer.
2. Grab two bags: one for donating and one for trash.
3. Choose a room to declutter and start "collecting" items you no longer need.
4. Pretend you're in a money machine, but instead of grabbing cash, you're grabbing items to give away.
Your donation bag can include clothing, decor, kitchenware, electronics, and more. Anything that's in good condition but no longer serves you can find a new home with someone else who needs it.
National Give Something Away Day is not only an opportunity to make a positive impact on others but also a chance to receive abundance in return. When we give something away, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can come back to us in unexpected ways. It might be a simple smile or a thank-you note, or it could be a bigger gesture like a job opportunity or a new friendship. The universe has a funny way of rewarding those who give selflessly and without expecting anything in return. So, don't be surprised if you start to see abundance flowing into your life after observing National Give Something Away Day. It's the law of attraction in action - what you put out into the world comes back to you tenfold. So, let's all embrace the spirit of giving and see what abundance we can manifest in our lives!
With just 15 minutes a day, you'll be free of clutter and doing good for others.
So, whether it's giving away some old clothes to a local charity, volunteering your time at a community organization, or simply giving a compliment to a friend, let's all take part in National Give Something Away Day and decrease our anxiety 3x. Who knows, you might just feel so good that you'll want to make it a regular habit!