5 Steps to a Great Semester
Did you know that only 50% of people in the US even go to college? So if you are going, you are already ahead of the game. Congratulations! Pat yourself on the back and know that you are right where you belong.
Now... Here are five steps to have a great semester in college:
Step #1 – Take Notes.
On everything. Use your phone, your laptop, and paper to take notes. Write down or place people’s names on your phone when you meet them. Take pictures of things you want to remember for later. If you are introduced to someone, it's ok to say “What’s your name again?” before you part ways or “can you please repeat what you said about x again?”
Step #2 – Notate the due dates from each syllabus in your phone or planner
Insert holidays and the beginning and end of the marking period. Plan ahead when you will work, study and play. Block out all those times so you always know where you are supposed to be. For some people, a visual calendar for assignments works great on a wall in your room or by your desk. This helps you to anticipate when work is due and plan accordingly. Print out the months of the semester and use color to illustrate when to start work on an item until the due date.
Step #3 – Go meet people.
Go to office hours for your professors. Ask them what advice they can give you about the class and about college. Go to the dean’s office. Ask the administrative assistant how the dean’s office can help you and what they do at the college. Go to the career planning office and meet a counselor. Ask them the best way for a new student to take advantage of their resources. Find out who is in charge of studying abroad and ask them the best time to think about doing an exchange. Join a club or two; this is how people with the same interests find one another.
Step #4 – Explore classes.
Try on several fields in introductory classes. Figure out what you are good at and what you like. Ever taken an art class before? Now you can. Always been curious about True Crime? Take a Psychology course. Take Sociology if you want to understand the world’s problems. Take economics or business to learn how to make the system work better.
Step #5 –Never fail a class if you can help it.
If you followed step #3, you have already gone to your professor’s office hours. As soon as you don’t understand something, call them, email them, do whatever you can to try to learn the material with their assistance. If they tell you to go to the writing center, go to the writing center. Most colleges have tutoring services. If, in the end, you must withdraw or fail – please withdraw. Withdrawal is better than an F because it has a neutral effect on your GPA. You can come back stronger the next time.